新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【插画分享】《女神异闻录5》的角色如果去拍电影……


The goddess YiWen recorded five illustration share 】 【 role if go to a movie...

2018-03-05 10:42:26来源: 游戏时光

如果《女神异闻录5》的角色去拍电影……估计会挺合适?毕竟一个个都那么靓。会这么想,是因为看到了下面这组同人插画。来自国内画师 台古。她为《女神异闻录5》的几个角色分别画了海报,而且这些海报还致敬了几部经典电影,有几张海报,想想原型和游戏角色的对应关系,很有意思。致敬《锅匠 裁缝 士兵 间谍》致敬《阿甘正传》致敬《福尔摩斯冒险史》致敬《歌剧魅影》致敬《黑客帝国》↓下页更多↓

If the role of the goddess YiWen recorded 5 go to a movie... Estimate is very suitable? After all, each one is so beautiful. Would think so, because saw this group of people below illustration. From domestic ancient painters. Her as the goddess YiWen recorded 5 several roles were painted posters, and these posters also pay tribute to the several classic movies, there are a few posters and think of corresponding relations between the prototype and the role of the game, very interesting. Salute "tinker tailor soldier spy" respect "forrest gump" holmes adventures history respect phantom of the opera "the matrix" left on the left more

标签: 电影