新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《刀剑神域》或将成为现实 IBM联动SAO开始测试

《刀剑神域》或将成为现实 IBM联动SAO开始测试

"Sword domain of God," or will become a reality IBM linkage SAO begin testing

2016-02-22 17:58:14来源: 新浪

日本IBM于2016年2月22日宣布将与《刀剑神域》进行联动,推出虚拟现实企划“刀剑神域:The Beginning”。据称该企划的目的是令刀剑神域中提到的虚拟现实游戏(即VR游戏)在现实世界中实现。 据介绍,IBM这次与SAO的联动在测试阶段,就已经由SAO原作者川原砾进行了体验,...

IBM Japan on February 22, 2016 announced the "sword domain of God" linkage, launch virtual reality planning "Sword Art Online: The Beginning". The alleged plan aims to make the sword domain of God mentioned in the virtual reality game (ie, VR game) implemented in the real world. According to reports, IBM and SAO this linkage in the testing phase, the experience has been carried out by the SAO author Reki Kawahara, ...