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In 2015 DOTA2 aryl Xiaojie Nien activity simple strategy

2015-02-16 00:17:42来源: 太平洋游戏网

概述: 随机会有年兽刷新提示 一般一到两个小时 年兽活动就是正常的匹配游戏,在几分钟之后双方都能刷新一只年兽,每个玩家可以为本方年兽选择一个可以升级的天赋(共有三种战斗速度辅助 类似ccq)年兽身上会有个对应的buff所以每个年兽身上会有5个buff

overview: random have Nien refresh prompt generally one to two hours the beast activity is normal, in a few minutes after the game, both sides can refresh a beast, each game player can select one can upgrade the talent for the party Nien (total three battle speed auxiliary similar CCQ) Nien will have a corresponding body buff so every beast who will have 5 buff

标签: DOTA