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永恒传说菜单使用 战斗之后也要补给

After using the eternal legend menu fighting also should supply

2014-12-26 22:22:48来源: 4399

永恒传说这款手游人物和场景都做的比较小,看起来有点不舒服,而且最坑的是游戏的菜单藏的很深,接下来小编就带大家了解一下游戏的菜单系统。 1、菜单位置 游戏中的菜单栏隐藏的很深,我们仔细看完之后会发现点击右上角可以点击打开; 2、菜单内容 菜单栏包括基本的任务属性、背包、技能、任务...

eternal legend this Mobile Games characters and scenes do relatively small, looks a bit uncomfortable, and the pit is the game menu hidden deep, then Xiaobian take you to understand what the game menu system. 1, menu position in the game menu bar is hidden deep, carefully after reading it we will find click the upper right corner you can click to open; 2, the menu bar menu contents include basic task attributes, skills, tasks, backpack...