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Virtual reality is a fond dream?

2016-06-03 10:39:00来源: DoNews

时下最火热的技术,莫过于虚拟现实了,不论是在娱乐内容方面如VR游戏,还是教育场景、医学领域甚至是逼真的成人体验,众多科技界巨头都开始纷纷布局,格局已经初具规模且越来越清晰。 VR 技术最坚实的背书恐怕当属 Facebook,因为扎克伯格2014年掷下20亿美金(约合人民币 128 亿人民币)收购了当时虚拟现实的行业先驱 Oculus,其开发的VR自拍杆可以实现在虚拟现实世界里和朋友合影。虚拟现实正如艺术和文学,满足了人们对于虚拟世界的追求。也许一种新的生活体验不会轻易实现,也可能比生活在任何不合意、不理想的真实环境中更舒适,不过问题是虚拟现实会发展到何时?它是完全虚拟的状态吗?它会或者说它应该...

Is now the hottest technology, virtual reality, whether in terms of entertainment such as VR games, or education, medicine, and even a realistic scene adults experience, many technology giant has started to layout, landscape has begun to take shape and become more and more clear. VR technology is the most solid endorsement when Facebook, I'm afraid because zuckerberg $2 billion for a 2014 (RMB 12.8 billion yuan) acquired the pioneer Oculus in virtual reality at that time, the development of VR since shaft can realize in the virtual reality world and friends. Virtual reality as art and literature, satisfied people to the pursuit of the virtual world. Perhaps a new life experience will not be easily realized, may also be better than life in any purpose, not ideal in real environment more comfortable, but the problem is that virtual reality development to when? It is completely virtual state? It will be or what it should be...