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全国网络安全对抗总决赛冠军 在宁诞生

National network security against championship finals in Ning was born

2015-07-17 07:55:57来源: 和讯网

比赛直播现场 7月13日,全国网络安全技术对抗联赛XCTF总决赛颁奖仪式在南京举行,台湾217战队经过32小时角逐最后凭借57.59分微弱优势以50985.66分成功夺冠,登顶紫金之巅,他们将获得10万元现金大奖。来自上海交大的0ops战队他们获得50928.07分屈居亚军,而来自福...

match broadcast live on July 13, held in Nanjing national network security technology against League XCTF finals awards ceremony, 217 team in Taiwan after 32 hours of competition finally with 57.59 weak points to 50985.66 successful title, climb top of Zijin, they will get 10 million yuan in cash prizes. From Shanghai Jiaotong University 0ops team they won the 50928.07 points runner up, and from the fu...