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The pig page opened theme park in Shanghai

2018-10-24 00:00:00来源: 人民网

10月23日,全球首家“小猪佩奇的玩趣世界”室内主题乐园在上海置汇旭辉广场正式开业,该主题乐园设置十大游戏区,将小猪佩奇的奇妙世界从荧屏搬到现实,充分激发孩子们的想象力。图为儿童在开业仪式上做游戏。 新华社记者 陈 飞摄

On October 23, the world's first "pig page to play boring world indoor theme park in Shanghai hui xu hui square officially opened, the theme park set up 10 games, the pig page the wonders of the world moved from the screen to reality, fully stimulate children's imagination. The picture shows children play games at the opening ceremony. The xinhua news agency Chen fly perturbation