新关注 > 信息聚合 > 颠覆西游ARPG手游《无双西游》今日首爆


ARPG Mobile Games subversion journey "unparalleled journey" today the first explosion

2015-04-08 17:13:25来源: 4399

天赐游戏首款大作,颠覆西游ARPG手游《无双西游》今日首度曝光。游戏以西游记为蓝本,独创3D暴击酷爽操作模式,带来魄力十足的强劲打击感,更有精彩的MOBA对抗与5V5竞技场,精湛绝伦的顶级视觉画质呈现精彩动人的西游降魔之路。 ▍逆天神兵斩妖除魔 顶级视觉极致体验 惊天地,泣鬼神,天赐...

a game's first masterpiece, subversion journey ARPG Mobile Games "peerless" journey to the West today for the first time exposure. Based on the original game of journey to the west, 3D crit, mode of operation, a strong blow to the sense of the full vigor, more exciting MOBA against the 5V5 arena, top quality exquisite visual presentation impressive Road West fell monsters. Magic man guards the demon Slayer's vision the ultimate experience amazing, heaven sent...

标签: 手游