新关注 > 信息聚合 > EBS助力ECEF2017首次百人线下赛直播圆满完成


EBS power ECEF2017 one hundred people for the first time the successful completion of the offline game live

2017-09-14 00:00:00来源: 人民网

ECEF2017第二届国际电竞文化交流节比赛环节在深圳梧桐电竞生态圈·大神电竞产业园隆重拉开帷幕。首项比赛暨“铁幕杯”绝地求生系列赛百人线下赛火热开赛,来自深圳、广州的数百位选手同场竞技。“EBS”携手助力此次百人线下赛,提供全程直播。 ·史无前例,全球首次线下百人同屏赛 大多数电竞游戏都是小规模的个人和团队竞赛,这次《绝地求生》多达100人同时线下竞技同屏展示是史无前例。 ·多家电竞企业“联姻”打造ECEF,共建梧桐电竞生态圈 本次《ECEF2017“铁幕杯”绝地求生系列赛》得到铁幕电竞、魔杰电竞、魔鬼猫、狼蛛电竞、1MORE、安德斯特电竞椅、普扬体育、时空加速器、网鱼网咖、雨...

ECEF2017 e-sports cultural exchange, the second international quarter link in shenzhen wutong e-sports ecosystem, a great god e-sports industrial park was kicked off. The first game and "iron curtain" cup series one hundred people desperately offline hot start, from shenzhen, guangzhou hundreds of players compete. "EBS" hand in hand to help the offline one hundred people, provide a live webcast. Unprecedented, offline for the first time one hundred people worldwide with e-sports games are small screen and the most personal and team competition, the survival the jedi as many as 100 people at the same time line with screen display is unprecedented. , home appliance make ECEF competitive enterprises "marriage", build the wutong e-sports ecosystem The "ECEF2017 cup" iron curtain "series" desperately get e-sports and the iron curtain, jie e-sports, devil cat, tarantulas e-sports, 1 more, anders e-sports chair, PuYang sports, space-time accelerator, mesh net cafe, the rain...

标签: 直播