新关注 > 信息聚合 > 贴吧大神 Ehome old双雄贴吧的第一次的相遇

贴吧大神 Ehome old双雄贴吧的第一次的相遇

Stick a great god Ehome old pair of post bar for the first time meet

2016-02-01 14:41:47来源: 超级玩家

在昨天结束的MDL总决赛上,Ehome 3:0击败了EG,捧回了狂战斧,打破了中国队一年多以来国际性赛事上冠军的零封,队内表现出色的“老鸡”和“节奏魔王”当年在贴吧的趣事,也被热心的粉丝们找了出来... 节奏魔王当年在DOTA1贴吧也是一位超级名人,其代表作屠夫solo挑战全吧SF,屠...

On the MDL finals ended yesterday, Ehome 3-0 win over the EG, holding back the battle fury, broke the brigade in China for more than a year on international competition champion zero, the team did well "old chicken" and "the rhythm of Lord" in tieba fun in those days, was also enthusiastic fans to find out... Rhythm Lord did in DOTA1 tieba is a super celebrities, including the butcher solo challenge all SF, tu...