新关注 > 信息聚合 > 评论:孩子沉迷游戏的锅不能总让家长背


Comment on: children addicting games pot can't always let parents back

2017-07-10 00:00:00来源: 人民网

近日,《王者荣耀》游戏运营方宣布从限制未成年人每日登录时长、绑定硬件设备实现一键禁玩以及强化实名认证三方面预防未成年人过度沉迷。 据媒体报道该游戏有5000万日活跃用户,但其中到底有多少是未成年人,目前相关方面并无准确数据,因为,有的中小学生是用父母或他人的身份证来注册游戏的,而这样的方法也能够绕过防沉迷措施,让相关措施可能沦为一纸空文。 事实上,除了《王者荣耀》,其它的游戏又何尝不是如此呢?作为一个“80后”玩家,在游戏语音中听着“00后”大喊打杀已经是见怪不怪的事情了。甚至在许多游戏中,称呼其他菜鸟玩家“你们这些小学生”已经成为一个梗,当然,真正的小学生玩得一点都不菜,能把我这个大叔...

Recently, the king of glory game operators announced from the daily login time limit minors, bind a key to achieve the hardware device forbidden to play, and strengthen the real-name authentication too crazy three aspects to prevent minors. According to media reports, the game has 50 million active users, but how many of them are minors, at present there is no accurate data related aspects, because, some primary and middle school students are with their parents or other people's id card to register the game, and this method can also bypass anti-addiction measures, make relevant measures may become a dead letter. In fact, in addition to the king of glory, other games so it is with? As a "80 after" players in the game heard a voice "00" after Shouting dozen kill was inured to the weird things. Even in many games, call other rookie player "you these pupils" has become a terrier, of course, the real pupils had no food, can take my uncle...

标签: 游戏