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AoYa Everbright alliances era

2015-03-23 00:02:07来源: 4399

奥雅之光大联盟时代 奥雅之光大联盟时代怎么玩 奥雅之光联盟怎么加入 活动时间:3月20日起 活动奖励:雪奈尔巧克力、魔力S抽奖券 活动地点:奥雅联盟 快来和小伙伴一起建立你的联盟! 守护者们从地图上的奥雅联盟进入。 再来到联盟大厅。 点击左边的联盟使者可以管理你的联盟。 ...

AoYa Everbright alliances era AoYa Everbright union times how to play AoYa Light Alliance how to join the activity time: March 20th reward: Xuenaier chocolate, the magic S raffle tickets place: AoYa alliance come and small partners to build your union together! The guardians into the map by working alliance. To return to the union hall. Click on the left side of the union messenger can manage your alliance. ...