新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《怪兽吃了我的城市》再迎更新 全新卡牌加入丰富..

《怪兽吃了我的城市》再迎更新 全新卡牌加入丰富..

The monster ate my city "meet again to update the new cards to join the rich..

2015-10-16 20:49:27来源: 任玩堂

万圣节即将来临,许多游戏都赶着推出应节更新,不过这款 Monsters Ate My Metropolis《怪兽吃了我的城市》却不这么想,虽然日前也发布了更新,但内容却更加实在。 本作是《怪兽吃了我的公寓》的正牌续作,不过玩法却由三消变成了卡牌战斗。游戏中,玩家将化身成为城市的破坏者,...

Halloween is coming, many games are rushing to launch festive update, but this monsters ate my metropolis the monster to eat the my city, but don't think so, although recently has been updated, but the content is more substantial. This is the "monster ate my apartment" genuine sequel, but the play has become a three card battle. In the game, game player will become the embodiment of the city,...