新关注 > 信息聚合 > 摆个样子的谷歌除了安卓,只剩失意了。


Put a like Google besides android, only disappointed.

2016-05-19 10:23:36来源: DoNews

日前,备受瞩目的2016年谷歌I/O大会如期举行,整个大会看起来略显平淡,尽管有评论还是对此次I/O大会予以了诸如野心等较高的评价,但从我们的角度看,除了核心的Android外,谷歌向外界呈现和引发联想的更多是姿势和失意。 先来看看业内最为关注的由传闻中的VR硬件变“软”的Daydream VR。毫无疑问,谷歌的Daydream VR是希望在未来打造出VR产业的“Android”并再次建立自己的标准。不过我们想说的,在当下VR出货量不高且已经呈现高度碎片化之时(Facebook、HTC、索尼等均有自己的标准及内容),是否是建立自己标准的时候或者良机。对此,有评论认为,未来,VR产业很可能的呈现...

A few days ago, Google's high-profile 2016 I/O conference held, whole assembly looks slightly dull, although there are comments or for the I/O shall be the higher evaluation, such as ambition but from our point of view, in addition to the core Android, Google is presented to the world and cause lenovo is more a posture and frustrated. Let's look at the industry's most concerned by rumors of VR "soft" Daydream of VR hardware. There is no doubt that Google's Daydream VR is hope in the future again create VR industry "Android" and set up their own standards. But we want to say, in the present VR shipments is not high and has been highly fragmented when (Facebook, HTC, SONY, etc all have their own standards and content), is set up their own standards or opportunity. To this, critics believe that the future, VR industry is likely to present...

标签: 安卓 谷歌