新关注 > 信息聚合 > 今日特惠:你们尽管玩武士Play大决斗 不友尽算我输

今日特惠:你们尽管玩武士Play大决斗 不友尽算我输

Today's special: although you Play warrior Play big duel No friends do I lose

2017-02-23 12:07:45来源: 任玩堂

今天,广东地区迎来了“火锅尾班车”,大面积的降温让人不敢轻易外出。既然要宅家,那就不妨来看看今天有什么优惠精品游戏可以玩吧!限时免费Nightgate《夜之门》(原价 18 元)《夜之门》是《最后的航程》开发商的又一力作,本作的画面风格同样走抽象路线但更为文艺化,具备一定的科幻色彩。游戏故事发生在大战之后的 2398 年,被称为“夜之门”的智能计算机网络是地球上最后仅存的生命形态。我们需要在 50 个设计各异的关卡当中找到自己的路,避开敌人并且操纵时间,探索隐藏在“夜之门”的虚拟数字景观背后的东西。这是本作上架半年后首次限免,喜欢的小伙伴可不要错过这次机会了。Samurai Duel《武士决斗...

Today, the guangdong area ushered in the "hot pot" tail train, widespread cooling let a person dare not go out easily. Since want curtilage home, then take a look at what can offer high-quality goods game play today! Limited-time free Nightgate "the door of the night" (original price 18 yuan) night's door is another masterpiece "the last voyage," developers, this picture style also taking abstract line but more literature and art, have a certain science fiction colour. Story happened in 2398, after the war game is called "the night's door" intelligent computer network is the last remaining life forms on earth. We need to design in 50 different levels of find his own way, to avoid the enemy and the manipulation of time, to explore the hidden behind the door of the "night" virtual digital landscape. This is this shelf after half a year for the first time limit, like friends, don't miss this opportunity. Samurai Duel "knight Duel...