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The game will bring where to left-behind children

2019-01-07 00:00:00来源: 人民网

田野调查 游戏将把留守儿童带往何方 留守儿童游戏之殇(二) 游戏工业捕获留守儿童的秘密不能由游戏完全“背锅”,游戏本身并不完全构成问题的实质。相较于城市儿童,留守儿童面临更多生活无意义感的境遇,在城乡社会结构、寄宿制教育以及村庄生活环境的压抑和单调之苦中,电子游戏逐渐成为留守儿童逃离生活无意义感的唯一选择。 在现实社会结构的影响下,游戏工业的捕获机制更容易运作。但游戏具体是通过哪些因素渗透并强化其影响的?游戏会将留守儿童带往何方?中国农业大学人文与发展学院“中国农村留守人口研究”团队(以下简称“研究团队”)基于多年来对河南、江西、四川、湖南、贵州等地区农村留守儿童的调研成果,力图揭示...

The fieldwork The game will bring where to left-behind children Regression of left-behind children game (2) the game industry to capture the secret of the left-behind children can't completely by the game "back pot", the essence of the game itself is not a problem. Compared with the city children, the left-behind children face more sense of meaninglessness situation, in the urban and rural social structure, the education and living environment of the village of boarding depressing and drab, electronic games has become the only choice that the left-behind children escape the sense of meaninglessness. Under the influence of social structure, the game industry capture mechanisms are easier to operate. But the game is to pass specific what factors permeate and strengthen its influence? The game will carry left-behind children to? China agricultural university institute of humanities and development "China's rural left-behind population research team" (hereinafter referred to as the "team") based on years of henan, jiangxi, sichuan, hunan, guizhou and other regions of rural left-behind children research achievement, trying to reveal...

标签: 游戏