新关注 > 信息聚合 > 飞智科技与腾讯《街头篮球》达成深度合作


Fly with tencent "street basketball" wisdom of science and technology depth cooperation

2017-11-17 00:00:00来源: 人民网

虽然目前MOBA和FPS吃鸡型手游的话题非常火热,但是却并没有影响体育竞技类手游的强势发展。腾讯的《街头篮球》是一款还原了经典端游《街头篮球》的正版手游,深受广大玩家喜爱。据悉,国内手游手柄的行业老大飞智科技近日已与《街头篮球》达成了合作。 据了解,双方此次合作属于多方位的深度合作。双方不仅在资源层面相互支持,在品牌层面也将进行联合营销。在此次合作中,《街头篮球》为飞智全系手柄实现了SDK接入,使得玩家可以在《街头篮球》的原生游戏中直接体验飞智手柄带来的畅快操作感。另外,飞智为《街头篮球》定制的限量版Wee拉伸手柄也会在17日启动的《街头篮球》玩家活动中正式亮相。在11月17日至11月23...

Although the MOBA and FPS type chicken mobile game is very hot, but did not influence the strength of the sports class mobile game development. Tencent's "street basketball" is a reduction in the classic client "street basketball" of the original mobile game, loved by the masses of players. It is understood that the domestic tour handle hand industry leader fly intelligence technology has recently and "street basketball" reached a cooperation. It is understood that this cooperation belongs to the depth of the multidimensional cooperation. The two sides support each other in the resource level, not only in the brand level will also conduct joint marketing. In this cooperation, "street basketball" for intelligence department handles all achieving the SDK access, allows the player to directly in the native "game experience flying wisdom with the handle of operation. In addition, fly to the customization of edition of set limit to "Wee tensile handle will be launched in 17 debut at the players" activities. On November 17 solstice on November 23...

标签: 腾讯