新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《索尼克团队赛车》新预告:竞速狂飙


Sonic Team Racing: Racing Race

2019-04-03 10:31:55来源: 游戏时光

世嘉在今天放出了《索尼克团队赛车》的最新预告,展示了游戏丰富的地图选择和多样的赛车自定义选项等要素。 视频地址本作支持最多12人在线游玩,可于本地4人分屏游玩,包含单人冒险模式。玩家可自由组建自己的三人小团队,从15名角色中选择自己中意的人物,每位角色也有力量、速度、技巧的区别。《索尼克团队赛车》将于5月21日登陆PS4/Xbox One/PC/Switch平台。繁体中文同步发售,对应PS4/Switch/PC平台。

Sega today released the latest announcement of Sonic Team Racing, showing the game's rich map selection and various car customization options. Video Address is designed to support up to 12 people to play online. It can be divided into 4 local people to play, including single-person adventure mode. Players are free to form their own three-person team, from 15 characters to choose their favorite characters, each role also has power, speed, skill differences. Sonic Team Racing will be launched on the PS4/Xbox One/PC/Switch platform on May 21. Traditional Chinese simultaneous sale, corresponding to the PS4/Switch/PC platform.

标签: 索尼 索尼克