新关注 > 信息聚合 > 品牌商看京东:盖过了淘宝唯品会 比不上天猫

品牌商看京东:盖过了淘宝唯品会 比不上天猫

Brand business look at the Jingdong: the cover over the vip.com Tmall Taobao

2016-07-28 20:46:56来源: 亿邦动力网


July 28 news today, billion state power network released the whole network brand business 2016 Development Trend Outlook "Research Report, said the report, platform user quality and reputation is brand selection platform most attention factors. And in the study of the willingness of the cooperation of the brand, you can find that Tmall is the most businesses that must be cooperative platform, followed by a good impression of Jingdong, Taobao and vip.com ranked third and fourth. It is understood that in the choice of third party platform, 58% of the brand will be the platform user quality, consumer reputation as the primary reference factor, and 99% of the brand will refer to this point. In addition, the factors of brand business attention in order to operate the level of service, the platform development prospects, marketing input-output ratio and commodity profit margins, platform technology level, etc.. "Platform technology, logistics and finance and other supporting factors, the competition has evolved into a platform for the user's war." The report said. In addition, the report...

标签: 京东 天猫