新关注 > 信息聚合 > 为梦想而战 惠普梦工厂倾力打造RNG校园粉丝见面会

为梦想而战 惠普梦工厂倾力打造RNG校园粉丝见面会

Fight for dream HP dreamworks joined forces to build RNG campus scouting

2017-12-21 00:00:00来源: 人民网

玩游戏本来就是一件正经事,一群火力全开的狂热分子,一份凌驾于行为之上的情怀,一种一呼百应的信仰以及一块带有浓烈仪式感的承载圣地,成就了12月17日,在浙江水利水电学院上演的一次朝圣之旅。 惠普梦工厂搭档暗影精灵打造RNG粉丝朝圣会 近千名狂热的游戏发烧友,无惧南方初冬的凛冽,从四面八方专程赶来参加一场特殊的粉丝见面会,只为一睹心中偶像——RNG战队的风采,期待着能与这支称霸全球的顶尖游戏战队来一次亲密接触。 作为本次RNG校园粉丝见面会的主办方,来自杭州以及上海、南京等周边城市的10余所高校的惠普梦工厂成员,早在活动开始的前两周,就开始积极联络其所在高校及周边学校的RNG粉丝与电竞...

Playing games is a serious business, a group of enthusiasts, firing a above behavior of feelings, a sense of the kind of faith and a strong with ceremony hosted the holy land, made on December 17, in zhejiang water conservancy and hydropower college on a pilgrimage. HP fans of dreamworks partner shadow elf makes the RNG pilgrimage will nearly thousands of wild game enthusiasts, fear the south winter chills, from all directions came to attend a special fan meeting, glimpse of heart idol -- RNG team, looking forward to the dominate the top of the global game team to an intimate contact. As the organizers of this RNG campus scouting, from hangzhou and Shanghai, nanjing and other cities of more than 10 colleges and universities of HP dreamworks members, as early as two weeks before the activity starts, began to actively contact the colleges and universities in and around the school RNG fans and e-sports...