新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2017年从风光到退潮,共享经济尸横遍野,逃不开这三大死因


In 2017 from the scenery to ebb, sharing economy of corpses, starts the three leading cause of death

2018-01-20 15:30:00来源: 品途网


Small blue bike can bring Shared cycling industry "resurrection" and an orgasm? I'm afraid the answer is No. Though the little blue resumed operation, it has experienced a "reborn" surname "drops", is no longer the original small blue, not back from the dead. And Shared almost all the spotlight focused on the bicycle industry thanks to bike and ofo: yellow car, the two capital occasionally eyes at other players, but the market's imagination is basically hit the ceiling. As you can see, Shared bicycle industry in 2017, also affects the capital on other sensitive nerve of the concept of sharing. This year, not only share a bike brand, also hold out the charging treasure, umbrellas, basketball, sleep or even Shared his girlfriend and so on a series of Shared business projects. Saw the development of Shared cycling thriving, other players are also looking forward to from the Shared spring fortunes...

标签: 共享经济