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Education industry policy is bumpy, what is the intention?

2019-04-16 10:55:00来源: 亿欧

【编者按】有人说,不敢生二胎是因为教育成本太高。其实,2018年教育行业落地了一系列政策,都在稳步推动教育公平与降低教育成本。同时,这些政策并没有全盘否定民办教育的存在价值,因此,教育作为一种稀缺资源,仍然是一条好赛道。本文首发于“ 第一财经日报”,经亿欧编辑,供行业人士参考。中国教育行业: 长期好赛道上的短期颠簸2018年的教育行业发展整体呈现出“先热后冷”的局面,以民促法送审稿《民办教育促进法实施条例(修订草案)》为代表的一系列政策,使得行业参与者对政策意图和行业发展方向产生困惑。我们认为,民办教育的积极作用并没有被全盘否定,相关政策意在规范行业发展,将长期利好合规经营的玩家。一...

Some people say that the reason why they dare not have a second child is that the cost of education is too high. In fact, in 2018, the education industry has landed a series of policies, which are steadily promoting education equity and reducing the cost of education. At the same time, these policies do not totally deny the existence value of private education, so education as a scarce resource is still a good track. This article was first published in'& nbsp; First Financial Daily', edited by Euro 100 million, for the reference of professionals. China's education industry: The short-term bumps on the long-term track in the development of the education industry in 2018 as a whole present a situation of "hot before cold". A series of policies represented by the draft Regulations on the Implementation of the Private Education Promotion Law (Revised Draft) submitted by the Civil Promotion Law have confused the industry participants about the policy intentions and the direction of industry development. We believe that the positive role of private education has not been totally negated. The relevant policies are intended to regulate the development of the industry, and will benefit the players who operate in compliance for a long time. One...