新关注 > 信息聚合 > Fami通评分:《平面英雄》《NG》32分


Fami pass score: "plane hero", "NG" 32 points

2018-09-05 14:25:39来源: 游戏时光

新一期的《Fami通》游戏评分公布,本作参评游戏不多,《平面英雄》和《NG》均获得32分,成为本周评分最高的游戏。以下是各个游戏的具体评分:Switch《平面英雄》:32分(8/8/7/9)《平面英雄》是一款在色彩艳丽的方块世界中高速飞行对战的游戏,最多支持4名玩家一起对战、合作、生存。PSV《NG》:32分(8/8/8/8)本作为“心灵恐怖”游戏《死印》的续作,游戏以“日式惊悚作品的沉静恐怖”为核心,将再次为玩家带来脊背发凉的恐怖。PS4《流放者柯南》:31分 (7/8/8/8)《流放者柯南》是一款多人在线生存游戏。游戏概念图中提到了三个关键词“生存”、“建造”、“统治”,这三个词便概括了整...

A new edition of the Fami tong "game score, this we ranked game is not much," plane hero "and" NG "had 32 points, to become the highest rated games this week. The following is the specific rating of each game: Switch the plane hero: 32 points (8/8/7/9) the plane hero "is a in the world of colorful squares high-speed flight game play, maximum four players, cooperation and survival. PSV "NG" : 32 points (8/8/8/8) this as a "terrorist" mind games "dead seal" sequel, the game to "calm terror Japanese thriller" as the core, will again bring the player back down the terrorist. PS4 the exiles conan: 31 points (7/8/8/8) the exiles conan is a multiplayer online survival game. Game concept diagram mentioned three keywords "survival", "building", "rule", these three words then sums up the whole...