新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2018互联网女皇报告:全球互联网竞争格局和投资趋势悄变(精华版)


The queen of the Internet report 2018: global Internet competition and investment trends and speechless (essence)

2018-06-02 14:44:00来源: 品途网

北京时间5月31日凌晨,“互联网女皇”玛丽·米克尔发布了2018年互联网发展趋势报告,这也是她第23年公布互联网报告。 米克尔是风投公司凯鹏华盈的合伙人之一,她今年发布的报告近300页PPT,内容涵盖互联网用户的增长情况、美国智能手机用户的行为、中国科技公司的竞争等。 猎云网编辑手上这份来自腾讯科技首发的汉化版2018互联网女皇报告显示,全球智能手机用户增长变得越来越困难,互联网用户的增长也面临着相同的趋势,全球尚未接入互联网的人口变得越来越少。 猎云网发现,在该报告列出的全球20大互联网公司中,中国公司占据9席,同时互联网女皇也给出了估值,其中独角兽公司有蚂蚁金服(第9位,1500...

Beijing time on May 31 early morning, the Internet queen Mary John obi mikel has released 2018 Internet trends report, this is also her release Internet report 23 years. John obi mikel is venture capital firm kleiner perkins partner, one of her nearly 300 pages of PPT, a report published this year to the growth of Internet users, the United States smart phone users behavior, science and technology of China, the company's competition, etc. Hunting cloud network editor on the localization version from tencent technology starting 2018 queen of the Internet report, global smartphone users growth is becoming more and more difficult, the growth of the Internet users are also facing the same trend, the population of the world has not yet connected to the Internet become less and less. Hunting cloud network found that listed in the report of the 20 largest Internet companies, Chinese companies account for 9, at the same time also gave a valuation, the queen of the Internet of the ant gold unicorn company have clothing (9, 1500...