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22 years ago, and now the Internet bosses are do?

2016-04-20 15:50:46来源: DoNews

1994年秋天的美国硅谷,杨致远和大卫费罗创办的暂时还未命名的网站访问量已经达到100万人次,直到1995年4月他们才成立自己的公司Yahoo!而且Yahoo!公司还是全球第一个在互联网买广告的公司,开创了历史的先河。 但是在中国大陆,1994年4月20日是一个历史性的时刻,中国通过一条64K的国际专线,全功能接入国际互联网,这成为了中国互联网时代的起始点,中国的互联网时代从此开启。 这个时代给每个人的会议是不同的,整整22年,世界变化实在是太大了。那会儿还不会有人想到在网上购物,发布信息,聊天交友,甚至大热的大数据、云计算等等。而现在,这都已经成为稀松平常的事情了。这是一个最好的时代。一说...

In the autumn of 1994 the American silicon valley, jerry Yang and David filo founded yet unnamed visitor volume has reached 1 million, it was not until April 1995 they set up their own company Yahoo! And the Yahoo! Company is the world's first buy in Internet advertising company, created the historical precedent. But in mainland China, April 20, 1994 was a historic moment, China through a special 64 k international line, complete access to the Internet, it became the starting point of China's Internet era, China's Internet era had begun. This era conference is different for everyone, for 22 years, the world change is too big. That moment also won't someone think of shopping online, release information, chat make friends, and even of big data, cloud computing, etc. And now, all of this has become a common thing. This is one of the best times. Say...