新关注 > 信息聚合 > 阿里影业发布财报:加速互联网转型 同比增长 108.3% 净利润 4.66 亿元

阿里影业发布财报:加速互联网转型 同比增长 108.3% 净利润 4.66 亿元

Ali pictures released earnings: accelerate the transformation of the Internet grew 108.3% net profit of $466 million

2016-03-30 08:45:00来源: TECH2IPO创见

3 月 29 日,阿里巴巴影业集团(HK:01060)发布截至 2015 年 12 月 31 日经审核的全年综合业绩。阿里影业 2015 年每股盈利人民币 1.99 分,归属于公司股东的净利润为 4.66 亿元,2014 年同期为净亏损 4.17 亿元。 阿里影业首席执行官张强表示,「2015 年完成了从传统影视公司向平台化互联网公司的战略转型,迈入了一个全新的阶段,目前,四大业务板块均进入高效运转期,为我们参与娱乐行业全球化竞争打下了坚实基础。」 财报显示,阿里影业 2015 年总收入为 2.64 亿元,同比增长 108.3%,内容制作、互联网宣发、娱乐电商、全球化等核心业务取得显著进展,全...

March 29th, Alibaba Pictures Group (HK:01060) released as of 31 annual results of the annual audit by the year December 2015. Ali pictures 2015 earnings per share of 1.99 yuan, net profit attributable to shareholders of the company was $466 million, compared to a net loss of $417 million in the same period in 2014. Ali pictures CEO Zhang Qiang said, "2015 completed the transformation from the traditional film company to the platform of the Internet Co's strategy, has entered a new stage, at present, the four major business segments were involved in the efficient operation period, we participate in the entertainment industry globalization competition and lay a solid foundation. "Results, Ali pictures 2015 total revenue of 264 million yuan, an increase of 108.3%, content creation, Internet and entertainment, electricity, globalization and other core business has made significant progress, all...