新关注 > 信息聚合 > 特斯拉(上海)获营业执照,注册资本1亿元


Tesla (Shanghai) business license, a registered capital of 100 million yuan

2018-05-14 20:26:09来源: DoNews

DoNews5月14日消息 (记者 费倩文)据财联社消息称,特斯拉(上海)有限公司于5月10日获上海浦东新区市场监管局核发的营业执照,注册资本为1亿元,股东为TESLA MOTORS HK LIMITED特斯拉汽车香港有限公司。从国家企业信用信息公示系统资料显示,特斯拉(上海)的经营范围为:从事电动汽车及零部件、电池、储能设备、光伏产品领域内的技术开发、技术服务、技术咨询、技术转让,上述同类商品的批发、佣金代理(拍卖除外)及进出口业务,并提供相关配套服务,电动汽车展示及产品推广。近日有消息称,特斯拉和松下合作预计将在中国共同建立一家新工厂,生产电动车和锂离子电池。松下首席执行官津贺一弘(Kaz...

DoNews5 14 news (reporter FeiQianWen), according to yonhap news agency reported that wealth, TESLA (Shanghai) co., LTD in Shanghai pudong new area market on May 10, the business license issued by the regulatory authority, the registered capital is 100 million yuan, the HK LIMITED shareholders for TESLA MOTORS TESLA MOTORS co., LTD. Hong Kong. From the state enterprise credit information publicity system, according to the tesla (Shanghai) business scope is: engaged in electric vehicles and parts, batteries, energy storage devices, photovoltaic products in the field of technology development, technical services, technical advice, technology transfer, the same kind of goods wholesale, commission agency (excluding auction) and import and export business, and provide relevant supporting services, the electric car display and product promotion. Recently news, tesla and panasonic cooperation is expected to set up a new factory in China, the production of electric cars and lithium ion batteries. Panasonic, chief executive of tianjin He Yihong (plate Kaz...