新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国务院部署“互联网+流通”:发展物联网


Deployment of the state council "Internet + circulation" : the development of the Internet of things

2016-04-08 17:00:00来源: 亿邦动力网


News on April 8, hundred million bond power network, according to the state council premier li keqiang has chaired a state council executive meeting, the deployment of promoting circulation of "Internet +" action, promote the expansion of domestic demand increase employment cost reduction. Conference pointed out that the implementation of the "Internet + flow" action is to promote circulation revolution, the important measures to promote double gen, the development of new economy, is advantageous to the authors, increase the consumption and employment, and puts forward three Suggestions: (1) for this breakthrough information infrastructure and the lag of cold-chain transport and other "hard" bottleneck. Building intelligent logistics system, the development of the Internet of things, especially to increase investment in rural broadband construction, promoting industrial products to the countryside, agricultural products into the city, provide convenience for the agricultural products sales and promote the farmers' income, and abundant supply, make reasonable market price stability. (2) break business environment "soft constraints". Construction business cloud platform of public service, conduct allows car free enterprise engaged in the freight and businesses choose to perform business average electricity or pilot tou price. ...

标签: 物联网