新关注 > 信息聚合 > 狼旗网络:做中国不一样的游戏互联网公司


Wolf's network: do Chinese to do the same Internet game company

2015-08-13 10:20:40来源: 多玩游戏

游戏产业营业收入超过1100亿元,是同期电影票房的3倍以上,超过7000万用户规模……这组炫目的数据展现的正是处于蓬勃发展中的中国网络游戏行业,但这一辉煌数据的背后,却隐藏着行业内的畸形竞争、为了短期利益网游厂商不择手段等行业问题。 在喧嚣的网络游戏世界,能沉下心来做好产品的网络游戏...

game industry operating income of more than 110 billion yuan is movie box office over the same period of 3 times above, the size of more than 7000 million users... This group of dazzling data show is in the vigorous development of China's online game industry, but behind this glorious data, but hidden abnormal competition within the industry, in order to short-term interests online vendors unscrupulous industry issues. In the hustle and bustle of the online game world, can sink the heart to do a good job of network games...

标签: 游戏