新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《魔兽:军临天下》曝光直升100级宣传影片


The world of Warcraft: Army faced the world "exposure helicopter 100 propaganda film

2015-11-22 10:29:44来源: 天极网

为了迎接新数据片《魔兽世界:军临天下》,暴雪已推出《魔兽世界》角色直升 100 级服务,近日也曝光宣传影片。 《魔兽世界:军临天下》为《魔兽世界》即将发行的第六部资料片,将带来新的英雄职业「恶魔猎人」与神兵武器、职业大厅等多项新特色,角色等级上限也将开放至 110 级。为了让玩家能方...

in order to meet the new pieces of data in the world of Warcraft: Army faced the world", Blizzard has launched the "world of Warcraft" role helicopters 100 service, also recently exposed propaganda film. "World of Warcraft: military presence the world" for the upcoming issue of the "world of Warcraft" of the six piece of information, will bring new heroes career "demon hunter" and magic weapons, professional hall and so on a number of new features, the character level cap will also open to 110. In order for the player to be able to...