新关注 > 信息聚合 > 物联网如何改变公司与消费者之间的互动


Things how to change between companies and consumers interactive

2015-07-23 15:59:35来源: DoNews


when many traditional companies still agonizing over how to deal with internet economy challenge and transformation, and a wave of market is poised to surge, that is, the Internet of things. There is no doubt that the Internet has changed the business model and market competition in the traditional industrial era by changing the way, the efficiency and the scale of the information flow between people and people. The Internet of things by changing the flow of information between people and objects, and the flow of information between the company and the consumer to define the way the interaction between the company and consumers, for the market to inject new subversive force. Therefore, company decision makers need poke the IOT rampant in the fog, understanding of things what will bring what kind of change for the company's products, services, and customers based on the experience of the competition will be how to penetrate into the company's business. Based on user data of the service of the core customer groups from the 18-36 year old age, this part of the crowd has two characteristics: first, to share with their own relevant information. ...

标签: 物联网