新关注 > 信息聚合 > 无奈之举?传微软Win10浏览器将支持谷歌浏览器应用


Move? Pass Microsoft Win10 browser will Microsoft in today and Windows 10 with the release code named Spartan Webpage browser support Google browser application

2015-01-23 01:24:15来源: TechWeb

【TechWeb报道】微软会在今日与Windows 10一同发布代号为Spartan的网页浏览器,不过有传言称该浏览器将会支持谷歌应用商店的浏览器应用。 据悉目前还未知Spartan上的谷歌应用是否是100%在本地运行,但它们的运作方式与谷歌浏览器几乎相同,这样开发者也更容易在Spar...

[TechWeb] reports, but a browser application rumors that the browser will support Google application store. It is reported that are unknown at this time Google application on Spartan is the 100% run locally, but their mode of operation and Google browser is almost the same, so that developers can more easily in Spar...

标签: 微软 谷歌