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8Bitdo SF30 Pro 亮相2017德国科隆游戏展

8 bitdo SF30 Pro at cologne, Germany 2017 game show

2017-08-24 00:00:00来源: 人民网

科隆游戏展是欧洲专业的综合性互动式游戏软件、信息软件和硬件设备展览,与美国E3游戏展、日本东京电玩展共称为世界三大互动娱乐展会。每年,来自全球众多家国际知名游戏企业云集于此,带来游戏行业最前沿的业内资讯,引领全球游戏行业发展攀升新高度。 本次游戏展中国军团积极参展,将游戏展的首日打造成了首个“中国日”,知名游戏外设品牌商八位堂带来了最新的8Bitdo SF30 Pro 等精品,以精致的游戏设备让欧洲玩家了解今天的中国,增进双方的认知。 八位堂德国科隆游戏展海报 八位堂德国科隆游戏展展位:Hall 4.2-Booth #A-043 八位堂新品:N30无线蓝牙街机摇杆 ...

Cologne game show is European professional comprehensive interactive game software, information, software and hardware equipment exhibition, E3 game show with the United States, Japan, the Tokyo game show, known as the world's three big interactive entertainment show. Each year, from around the world with many international famous enterprises gathered in this game, game industry the forefront of the industry information, to lead the global game industry development climb new heights. This game show Chinese active participation, will play the first game show on the first day of the "China day", the famous game peripherals brands eight hall brings the latest 8 bitdo SF30 Pro etc, with delicate game equipment for European players to understand today's China, enhance the cognition on both sides. Cologne, Germany, eight Hall game exhibition poster eight Hall cologne, Germany exhibition Booth: Hall # # 4.2 - Booth A - 043 eight new products: N30 wireless bluetooth arcade rocker...

标签: 游戏