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Suning Easy to buy 1 billion yuan "to replace the old with the new", Shunfeng free door-to-door pick-up

2019-03-04 17:49:02来源: IT之家

IT之家3月4日消息 今天,苏宁官方表示计划拿出10亿元补贴用户家电以旧换新。苏宁表示只要家中有不需要的旧家电,用户只需打开苏宁易购APP,搜索“以旧换新”,在跳转的页面上按要求填写相关信息即可。申请通过后,苏宁将派专人上门取走旧家电。据悉,本次回收范围覆盖空调、电视、洗衣机、冰箱、数码、电脑、手机等诸多品类,最高补贴力度如下:手机还可额外领取加价补贴。手机以旧换新消费者可先领取加价劵,旧机邮寄回收后即可依据旧机估价获得对应的加价补贴。除了现金补贴外,凡在苏宁购买新机的用户,将享受“新机满减劵”和“分期免息劵”。新机满减劵可与苏宁易购促销活动相叠加,包括但不限于优惠劵、满减活动、满赠活动等,具...

IT Home News March 4 Today, Suning officials said they planned to spend 1 billion yuan to subsidize users'household appliances to replace old ones with new ones. Suning said that as long as there is no need for old appliances in the home, users only need to open Suning Easy-to-buy APP, search for "old for new" and fill in relevant information on the jump page as required. After the application is approved, Suning will send a special person to pick up the old household appliances. It is reported that the recycling scope covers air conditioning, television, washing machines, refrigerators, digital, computer, mobile phones and many other categories, the maximum subsidy is as follows: mobile phones can also receive additional subsidies. Consumers who exchange old mobile phones for new ones can get a price increase first, and then they can get the corresponding price increase subsidy according to the value of old ones after mail recovery. In addition to cash subsidies, users who buy new machines in Suning will enjoy "full reduction of new machines" and "interest-free by stages". New aircraft full reduction can be combined with Suning Easy-to-buy promotional activities, including, but not limited to, concessions, full reduction activities, full gift activities, etc., with ___________