新关注 > 信息聚合 > 每日日系新游播报(01月26日):战略部署打僵尸..


Daily Japanese XinYou broadcast (January 26) : strategic play zombie..

2016-01-26 18:34:34来源: 任玩堂

日本著名游戏发行厂商 BTD Studio 公司近日发布了一款游戏,《亡灵工厂》(Undead Factory ~ZombiePandemic~)以僵尸感染为主题,是一款战略手游新作,游戏从今天开始正式于 TOP10 开启 iOS 和安卓双平台的提前预约,只要参与预约的玩家都可以在游戏正...

Famous Japanese manufacturers launch BTD Studio company has launched a game, the Undead Factory (Undead Factory ~ ZombiePandemic ~) with the zombie infection as the theme, is a strategic mobile game, games, starting today officially to need open iOS and android platform to make an appointment in advance, as long as you can in the game to the players participating in the reservation are...