新关注 > 信息聚合 > 门罗连获两项设计殊荣 引领新能源车颜值升级

门罗连获两项设计殊荣 引领新能源车颜值升级

Monroe won two design award Lead the new energy car appearance level upgrade

2018-01-25 12:31:27来源: DoNews

门罗在刚刚落幕的CES 2018中,凭借惊艳的外观设计及完善创新的功能体验赢得了中外媒体极大关注,也在当届新能源两轮车行业参展厂商中异军突起。就在CES2018落幕当月,门罗连获艾特奖苏州赛区推荐品牌和2018艺术设计大赏年度工业产品设计奖,引得多位设计师现场赞叹。毫无疑问,被贴有“个性”、“特立独行”、“时尚”等标签的门罗,不仅得到越来越多用户的喜爱,也获得设计师们的认可。同时,新能源两轮电动车行业在经历爆发增长、政策波动之后,各大厂商都将面临用户需求升级及行业变革。“异类”的门罗开年连获两项设计殊荣门罗新能源两轮电动车从来不缺少话题,特立独行的外型设计,浓浓的机械及复古风格令不少消费者喜爱...

Monroe in the recent CES 2018, with the impressive appearance design and perfect the function of the innovation experience won the Chinese and foreign media attention, and when the new energy in the two rounds of car industry exhibitors boom. CES2018 end of the month, the grand prize of Monroe won ai suzhou division of art design is great reward recommended brand and 2018 industrial product design, inspired designers are the scene. There is no doubt that have "personality", "independent", "fashion" labels, such as Monroe, not only loved by more and more customers, also for designers. Two motor cars at the same time, the new energy industry after outbreak growth, policy fluctuation, the giant manufacturers will face the user needs to upgrade and industry change. The door of the "heterogeneous" Luo Kainian even Monroe won two design award for the two new energy electric vehicles has never been short of topic, maverick appearance design, strong machinery and make a lot of style restoring ancient ways consumers love...