新关注 > 信息聚合 > 担心存在交易所的虚拟币被盗?这一招或可解除这一烦扰


Worry about the existence of exchange stolen virtual currency? This recruit or can relieve the burden

2018-01-29 11:47:00来源: 品途网

来源|比特币资讯作者|比特币资讯如果2017年教会了币圈什么的话,那肯定是安全方面的教训。全年黑客攻击的数量和数百万美元的被盗加密币给我们发出了一个明确的信息:加密货币交易需要重大革新。这个改变的基础是什么?去中心化交易平台。2017:备受黑客攻击困扰的一年 即将落幕的2017年使加密货币闻名全世界。然而,随着关注度的提高,脆弱性也随之而来。这一年既见证了加密货币的繁荣,也让它陷入恶人之手。在整个一年中发生了十多起攻击事件。从交换平台到钱包服务再到ICO资金,黑客们因系统漏洞大获收益。根据目前的市场价格,今年被盗资金的总价值在5亿美元左右。这个数字还不包含2017年之前的黑客攻击,例...

Source | currency information the author | currency information if taught what currency circle in 2017, it must be safety aspects of the lesson. Hacker attacks throughout the year and the number of millions of dollars stolen encryption COINS issued a clear message to us: encryption monetary transactions require significant innovation. What is the basis of this change? Decentralized trading platform. 2017: highly of the hacker attacks a year & have spent Now it is over 2017 encryption monetary famous around the world. However, with the improvement of awareness, vulnerability followed. This year saw the encryption monetary boom, made it into the hand of the wicked. Throughout the year more than 10 attacks happened. From exchange platform to wallet service to ICO, hackers to earnings for system vulnerabilities. This year, according to the current market price, the total value of the stolen money at about $500 million. This number before 2017 are not included in the hacker attack, case...