新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曾经放言小米5年内不上市的雷军这次为什么改了口?


Once boasted millet is not listed within five years of lei jun why changed mouth this time?

2018-01-27 16:40:00来源: 品途网


Recently, news about upcoming millet cause attention again. , according to a report in the netease science and technology have a high-level, according to people close to millet millet technology company IPO time has been set for the end of 2018, listed site selection in Hong Kong or New York. Although rumors about millet listing is not the first time, but this possibility is very large. Why do you say that? In March 2016, lei jun has very positive said millet won't appear on the market within five years, in the same year, lei jun again in another activity this time will be extended to 2025. In November 2017 to lei jun appear obvious change in his attitude when it comes to market, no deadlines, but with a more ambiguous definition: "the IPO will be more comfortable in business." In December, when a reporter in 2017 Xiao dragon summit again asked about millet IP...