新关注 > 信息聚合 > 有人想赚1000亿却血本无归,区块链为何容易造骗局?


Someone wants to earn 100 billion wiped out, why block chain easy to scam?

2018-01-29 12:01:00来源: 品途网

徐小平在微信群发表的一段言论,让区块链的概念在各行业内不断升腾、发酵,成为科技创投行业炙手可热的“风口”,仿佛企业不拥抱区块链技术就将被淘汰。 同时,一夜暴富的故事,正吸引着大量的用户进入基于区块链技术的虚拟币市场,有人宣布赚到了人生的第一桶金,更有比特币矿工自述自己的目标是赚1000亿。 但随着比特币价格暴跌,披着区块链的外衣行骗的人越来越多,人们有越来越多的质疑:区块链技术最大的作用难道是“割韭菜”? 区块链究竟是不是一场骗局?它的价值在哪里,未来又会走向何处? 腾讯新闻客户端评论社区《看法》第五期,邀请众多专业人士如白鲸出海创始人魏方丹、锌财经创始人潘越飞,芭比财经运营总监鱼...

Xiao-ping xu in WeChat group published a speech, make the concept of block chain within the industry constantly rising, fermentation, became a hot technology venture capital industry "discourse", as if not embrace block chain technology will be eliminated. At the same time, the story of the rich, is attracting a large number of users into the virtual currency market, based on the technology of block chain was declared to earn the life first bucket of gold, more COINS miners self-reported their goal is to make 100 billion. But as the currency prices plunged, the con man wearing block chain is becoming more and more people have more and more question: block chain technology biggest role is "cut chives"? Block chain whether a fraud? Where is the value of it, the future and will go where? Tencent news client reviews community stage v of the "view", has invited many professionals such as founder of the white whales to sea wei fontaine, zinc pan fly, founder of finance and economics, barbie, director of operations of finance and economics fish...

标签: 区块链 区块链