新关注 > 信息聚合 > 汇桔网与IDG资本达成战略投资意向协议


Huiju Networks and IDG Capital Reach Strategic Investment Intention Agreement

2018-02-05 18:55:00来源: 品途网

品途商业评论讯 2月5日下午消息,汇桔网与IDG资本达成战略投资意向协议。本轮融资由IDG资本领投,粤民投、创业黑马、厚朴投资等跟投。公开资料显示,汇桔网成立于2009年,是一个创新创业资源共享服务平台。业务覆盖商标、专利、版权等知识产权的创造(申请、注册、登记等)与保护,以及知识产权的买卖、许可与合作,是集知识产权从拥有到交易的一站式服务平台。近年来,汇桔网以建设“知商”生态圈、服务企业转型升级为战略制高点,形成整体可持续发展的商业模式。契合全球知识经济及中国转型升级的时代大趋势,汇桔网一直致力于推动知识产权商品化、产业化、金融化、生活化,让知识产权在流通中创造财富、在产业化运用中创造商业值...

In the afternoon of February 5, Huiju reached a strategic investment intention agreement with IDG Capital. This round of financing is led by IDG capital, followed by Guangdong people's investment, venture black horse, Houpu investment and so on. According to the public information, Huiju was established in 2009 as a service platform for sharing innovative and entrepreneurial resources. Business covers the creation (application, registration, registration, etc.) and protection of intellectual property rights such as trademarks, patents and copyrights, as well as the sale, licensing and cooperation of intellectual property rights. It is a one-stop service platform that integrates intellectual property rights from ownership to transaction. In recent years, Huiju Net has upgraded its strategic commanding point by building an "intellectual quotient" ecosphere and transforming service enterprises to form a business model of overall sustainable development. In line with the global knowledge economy and the trend of China's transformation and upgrading, Huiju Network has been committed to promoting the commercialization, industrialization, financialization and daily life of intellectual property rights, so that intellectual property rights can create wealth in circulation and commercial value in the application of industrialization.