新关注 > 信息聚合 > 东风有限发布新五年规划:迟到的150万辆、18年600亿投入、枪挑大众


Dongfeng limited release new five-year plan: late 1.5 million, 18 years in 60 billion, a gun to pick the public

2018-02-06 08:45:00来源: 品途网

五年时间将年销量增加100万辆,对于东风有限来说挑战不小。文▍砂糖兔2月5日在北京,东风汽车有限公司(DFL)发布了名为“东风有限 TRIPLE ONE”的新中期事业计划,这个计划发布的背景,是2017年东风有限总销量达到了创纪录的152万辆,而面对未来五年,这家合资公司希望能够再增加100万辆,在2022年的时候成为年销量260万辆的企业。“我们的目标是成为中国三大合资汽车制造商之一!”东风汽车有限公司总裁关润在现场立下了这样的誓言。这也就意味着东风有限要将上汽大众、一汽大众和上汽通用其中的一家挑落马下。“迟到”的150万辆作为东风汽车...

Five years will increase 1 million, annual sales challenge for dongfeng co., LTD. Wen ▍ sugar rabbit in Beijing on February 5, dongfeng motor co., LTD., DFL launched "dongfeng limited TRIPLE ONE 'new medium-term business plan, the plan released by the background, is 2017, dongfeng limited total sales reached a record 1.52 million vehicles, and face the future five years, the joint venture company hopes to be able to add 1 million, in 2022 to become annual sales of 2.6 million vehicles. "Our goal is to become one of three joint venture automobile manufacturers in China!" Dongfeng motor co., LTD., President of GuanRun set at the scene of the oath. This means dongfeng limited to Shanghai Volkswagen, faw Volkswagen and saic gm a pick of them fall down. "Late" 1.5 million as dongfeng car...