新关注 > 信息聚合 > 从创立半年累计融资5亿元,到被曝市场大撤退,猩便利背后生死局!


From the creation of half a year of cumulative financing of 500 million yuan, to be exposed to the market withdrawal, the orangutan convenience behind life and death!

2018-02-06 15:08:00来源: 品途网

纵观现在中国便利店市场,10万家便利店、1300亿的市场规模、每万人1-2家的密度,还远远无法与日本欧美的成熟市场相比。然而庞大的移动互联网人群以及移动消费等基础设施的完善,为中国提供了弯道超车的契机。猩便利正是基于这样的市场机遇,开始展露头角,并成为一匹创业黑马。 猩便利成立于2017年6月,是一家重构用户即时消费体验的高科技零售公司,已经在天使轮和A1轮总计融资近5亿元,牢牢占据了赛道的领跑者位置。截至11月中旬,猩便利的无人便利架触点数已突破3万,智能便利店开业10家,覆盖全国几十座超一线、一线、二线城市,触达千万级的白领...

Looking at the current convenience store market in China, 100,000 convenience stores, 130 billion market size and 1-2 per 10,000 people density are far from comparable with the mature markets in Japan, Europe and the United States. However, the huge mobile Internet population and the improvement of infrastructure such as mobile consumption provide a turning point for China to overtake. It is based on such market opportunities that Chimpanzee Convenience began to emerge and become a black horse of entrepreneurship. & nbsp; Hedgehog Convenience, founded in June 2017, is a high-tech retail company that reconstructs users'real-time consumption experience. It has raised nearly 500 million yuan in Angel Wheel and Round 21, firmly occupying the leading position of the track. By mid-November, the number of unmanned convenient shelf contacts for orangutan convenience has exceeded 30,000, and 10 intelligent convenience stores have opened, covering dozens of super-first, first and second-tier cities across the country, reaching tens of millions of white-collar workers.