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《街机全明星》K.O 谁才是真正的格斗之王

The arcade all star "Ko who is a true warrior king

2015-07-24 14:58:36来源: 不凡游戏网

当屏幕中闪现出K.O这两个大大的字符的时候,谁是你心中格斗之王呢?是来自《恐龙快打》的“黄帽”?是风靡全球的格斗游戏《街霸》中的“春丽”?还是永不退色的经典街机回忆《拳皇》中的“八神”呢?似乎一时间,难以分出一个高下。 分不出,没关系,来玩《街机全明星》吧!2D横版格斗手游《街机全明星...

when screen flashed Ko this two big character, who is your heart fighting king? From the "fast play" yellow "dinosaur"? Is the rage in the street fighter fighting game "" "Chun Li"? Never fade or classic arcade "KOF" in memory "eight"? It seems that one time, it is difficult to separate a high. No, never mind, play "All Star" arcade! 2D horizontal version of fighting Mobile Games "all star arcade...