新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《尘埃克星DX》:讲述四位扫地僧的故事


"Dust": Nemesis DX tells the story of four monk story

2016-02-15 14:35:39来源: 178游戏网

喜欢高难度横版闯关游戏的朋友看过来,炸炸给你们分享一款国内人气不高的好游戏,玩法颇有点《超级食肉男孩》的感觉,它就是—— 《尘埃克星DX(Dustforce DX)》。 不得不说,这种色彩简明的人设完全击中了我! 就和它简单帅气的人设一样,《尘埃克星DX》也是一款动作干练、节奏感强...

Love difficult games horizontal version of friends over, deep fried to give you a good game domestic popularity is not high, play quite a bit of "super Meat Boy" feeling, it is -- "dust DX (Dustforce DX)". Have to say, this color concise set completely hit me! Just like it simple handsome men, strong sense of "DX" is also a dust Buster action capable and rhythm...