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HFGL5新赛季启动 经典全民竞技开始报名

HFGL5 new season start classic national athletics began to apply

2015-04-19 11:35:07来源: 太平洋游戏网

由浩方对战平台打造的经典电竞赛事-浩方黄金联赛,作为国内规模最大、最权威的经典电竞比赛,如今已步入了第五届。回顾往届,浩方黄金联赛总是充满激情与惊喜,而本届浩方黄金联赛,又将带来怎样的精彩呢? ...

by Haofang of battle platform to create the classic gaming events - Haofang Golden League, as the domestic scale is biggest, the most authoritative classic gaming competition, has now entered the fifth. Review the previous, Haofang Golden League is always full of passion and surprise, and the current Haofang Golden League, and will bring what kind of wonderful?