新关注 > 信息聚合 > 木村拓哉登场 SEGA Games《审判之眼:死神的遗言》发售

木村拓哉登场 SEGA Games《审判之眼:死神的遗言》发售

Takuya kimura appearance SEGA Games "the eye of the judgment: a god of death note" on sale

2018-12-04 00:00:00来源: 人民网

SEGA Games“人中之龙工作室”最新作品《审判之眼:死神的遗言》于12月2日在台北的饭店内举行了发售纪念活动。 活动当天除了邀请到该游戏的总监督名越稔洋出席,饰演游戏主角八神隆之的木村拓哉也作为特别嘉宾登场。在台湾拥有超高人气的木村拓哉一登场,将现场的气氛带到最高点,发售纪念活动在此盛况中落下帷幕。 在主持人的介绍下SEGA Games 董事CPO名越稔洋首先登场,身为“人中之龙工作室”总监督的名越先生作为游戏制作人在台湾拥有相当高的人气,当天现场特别邀请了游戏粉丝参与, 由名越先生公开充满游戏魅力的预告片,并亲自向来场的朋友们介绍了游戏的特别魅力。 “故事背景是辞去律师...

SEGA Games of "dragon of the studio" latest works "the eye of the judgment: a god of death note" on December 2 in Taipei hotel held a sale. Activities in addition to the invitation to the game on the day of the general supervision of the mori ocean to attend, play the game protagonist iori lung of takuya kimura also debut as a special guest. With popularity of takuya kimura a debut in Taiwan, the scene atmosphere to be brought up to the highest point issue commemorative activities in this spectacle. Under the introduction of the host SEGA Games director CPO name the mori the first, as a "studio" of dragon always supervision and the name of the Mr As the game producer has very high popularity in Taiwan, on the day of the special invited fans to participate in the game, by the name of the Mr Public full trailer game charm, and personally has always been a friends introduced the special charm of the game. "The story background is as a lawyer...