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公主救王子 《童话啪啪啪》今日上架安卓平台

Princess to save the prince in the fairy tale lovemaking "today shelves Android platform

2015-09-28 12:09:13来源: 4399

3D奇幻RPG卡牌手游《童话啪啪啪》今日强势上线安卓平台。《童话啪啪啪》采用3D引擎技术呈现精致的游戏画面,有着近百种的经典童话人物角色及丰富多样的游戏玩法,相信一定会给玩家一个的全新体验。 童话啪啪啪【安卓版正在紧急收录中......】 《童话啪啪啪》一款童话题材的横版RPG手游,...

3D fantasy RPG Card Poker Tour" fairy tale Pa Pa Pa "strong today launched Android platform. 3D engine technology has exquisite picture of the game using the fairy Pa Pa Pa ", nearly a hundred kinds of classic fairy tale characters and a variety of gameplay that will give players a new experience. Fairy tale lovemaking [Android version is emergency included...] "fairy tale Pa Pa Pa" a fairy tale theme of horizontal version of the RPG mobile games,...

标签: 安卓