新关注 > 信息聚合 > 镰田俊哉亲力打造 地球护卫队Odyssey组合正式亮相

镰田俊哉亲力打造 地球护卫队Odyssey组合正式亮相

Scythe Tian Junzai affinity to build earth guards presented Odyssey combination

2017-07-17 00:00:00来源: 人民网

国内首支“动次元男子偶像组合“—地球护卫队Odyssey,于7月14日在京举行了入队仪式暨新闻发布会。5名成员正式组队亮相,并与自己的虚拟形象一起共同发布了首支单曲《明日之歌》。真人、漫画、虚拟形象共舞, Odyssey用年轻活力与趣味科技诠释了耳目一新的“动次元偶像”概念。同时,团队还启动了召集令,在全球范围内继续招募新的成员。 动次元偶像支配人镰田俊哉先生表示:偶像市场的竞争日趋激烈,未来的偶像模式需要更加新颖的形式才能突出重围,而AI、全息等全新技术的发展则为娱乐市场带来了更多的可能性。所谓“动次元偶像”,就是基于真人与虚拟、二次元与三次元之间的互动,可以在多种媒体之间自由遨游的...

Domestic first "dynamic dimensional man idol group" - earth guards Odyssey, held in Beijing on July 14, the team ceremony and press conference. Officially team five members, together with their own virtual image released the first single "song of tomorrow". Reality, comics, virtual image dance, Odyssey with youthful energy and interesting technology for refreshing dynamic dimensional "idol" concept. At the same time, the team also launched a call-up, around the world continue to recruit new members. Dynamic dimensional idol dominant Tian Junzai unit, "said Mr Idol market increasingly fierce competition, the future of idol model needs to be more novel form to break through, and the AI, the development of new technology such as holographic entertainment market has brought more possibilities. The so-called "dynamic dimensional idol", is based on the reality and the virtual, the interaction between two dimensional and three dimensional, can in a variety of media freedom to roam between...