新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《鬼泣5》发售两周全球销量突破200万份


The devil may cry 5 two weeks sold worldwide sales break through 2 million

2019-03-22 09:37:53来源: 游戏时光

在 2019 GDC 游戏开发者大会上,CAPCOM 宣布3月8日发售的动作游戏新作《鬼泣5》目前全球累计销量已达200万份,达到该成绩仅用了两周时间。作为对比,《鬼泣4》达到200万份用了1个月的时间,而《鬼泣DmC》则用了2.5个月才达到120万份,因此《鬼泣5》这次的表现可以说是相当不错了。如果最终成绩能突破300万的话,它就将成为系列最畅销的作品。鬼泣系列作品销量(来自 CAPCOM 官网,仅包含百万以上作品):鬼泣4,300万鬼泣DMC,240万鬼泣,216万鬼泣2,170万鬼泣3,130万鬼泣HD合集,120万鬼泣3 特别版,100万

GDC in 2019 game developers conference, CAPCOM announced on March 8 new sale action games "devil may cry 5" current global accumulative total sales volume has reached 2 million, to achieve the results in just two weeks. In contrast, the devil may cry 4 to 2 million with a month of time, while the devil may cry DmC took 2.5 months to reach 1.2 million, so the devil may cry 5 this performance is quite good. If the end result can break through 3 million, it will become the best-selling series. Devil may cry series sales (from CAPCOM's official website, only contains millions more work) : devil may cry devil may cry DMC, 43 million 2.4 million devil may cry, devil may cry devil may cry devil may cry HD collection, 31.3 million 21.7 million 2.16 million 1.2 million devil may cry 3 special edition, 1 million