新关注 > 信息聚合 > PSV的美好年代(下)【VG聊天室217】


The Good Age of PSV (Part 2) [VG Chat Room 217]

2019-04-19 11:19:38来源: 游戏时光

VG聊天室已登录各大FM平台,本期节目链接:喜马拉雅FM|荔枝|听伴|B站|网易云音乐|歌单往期节目:PSV的美好年代(上) GB和GBA的美好年代 PSP的美好年代 NDS的美好年代 街机厅的美好年代在PSV回顾专题节目的下期中,我们把注意力完全放在游戏上。游戏阵容是强是弱可能是PSV最大的争议话题之一,你觉得小V的阵容怎么样?用PSV玩的时间最长,体验最好的游戏又是什么呢?和我们一起聊聊。参与人:雷电、大力、六段音速、猫村ノ村長 歌单:Falcom Sound Team jdk - LACRIMOSA OF DANA -Opening Ver.-(《伊苏8》)、工藤吉三...

VG chat room has logged on to the major FM platforms. This program links: Himalayan FM | Litchi | Audience Partner | B Station | NetEasy Cloud Music | Song Sheet Previous Programs: The Beautiful Age of PSV (I) & nbsp; The Beautiful Age of PSP and GBA, the Beautiful Age of NDS, the Beautiful Age of Arcade Hall. In the next issue of PSV Retrospective Special Program, we focus entirely on the game. Game lineup is one of the most controversial topics in PSV. What do you think of the lineup of Little V? Playing with PSV for the longest time, what is the best game to experience? Talk with us. Participants: Lightning, Vigorous Power, Six Sections Sonic Speed, Mao Village Mayor & nbsp; Song List: Falcom Sound Team JDK - LACRIMOSA OF DANA - Opening Ver. -("Izu 8"), Goto Jisan ("Izu 8").

标签: PS